Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Argument paper Choose from Supplied List Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Argument paper Choose from Supplied List - Essay Example There have been a number of studies that proved how continuous exposure to advertising leads children to buy products they see on ads which are dominated by soda and chips (Hastings et al., 2003; IOM, 2006; Story & French, 2004). There have also been several quantitative studies that assess how heavier media spend equates to higher purchase of food being advertise which also results to increase of diseases and obesity among children (IOM, 2006; Hastings et al., 2003). This alarming rise of obesity and diabetes on children and the relentless power of food companies to convince children to unhealthy food choices are the strongest reason for schools to take a more active part in giving proper nutrition to children. Parents are unable to supervise their children when in school. That is a total of six to seven hours of unmonitored time (Berg & Debroff, 2005). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently released a study (Joelving, 2011) stating that everyone must help in this epidemi c including the public schools. However, even the public schools that are supposed to be supporting health initiatives are not doing enough to traffic the bad influences that children have when it comes to nutrition. This paper intends to understand the need for public schools to stop offering soda and junk foods in school cafeteria and the challenges that school may face in implementing such a policy. Junk Food in Public School Cafeteria The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 required each local education agency that participates in the National School Lunch Program or other child nutrition program to offer USDA approved meals. This means that public schools are required to offer nutritious food in their cafeterias but 43 percent of participating schools are unable to implement this policy (RWJF, 2009) because of several factors including: Lack of personnel to cook healthy food Lack of cafeteria equipment Lack of time to devote to planning and buying supplies Unfor tunately they also offer Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value or FMNV. FMNV is actually a fancy word for junk food. According to USDA, FMNV are artificially sweetened foods and foods that gives less than the 5% of the Reference Daily Intake for each of the eight specified nutrients such as protein, Vitamin A & C, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, calcium and iron (Molnar et al, 2006). It also doesn’t help that kids can get junk food and soda from the vending machine in every turn. One study about the â€Å"competitive foods â€Å"in Philadelphia showed that the top selling food in the school cafeteria are hamburgers, pizza, cookies, French fries, carbonated drinks, candy bars and of course chocolate (Probart et al, 2005). A report on the CDC website indicated that, from 2004 to 2006, the median percentage of secondary schools across states allowing students to purchase chocolate candy and salty snacks that are not low in fat decreased. It’s an Economic Concern Providing fr ee luch to students that below on low income families is not cheap (Probart et al, 2005): $.89 - $.97 per child for breakfast $1.54 - $2.28 per child for lunch Of this, each school is reimbursed only half of what they spen

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